Friday, February 26, 2016

Thoughts on Blogging

Over the years that I have had this blog I have drifted in and out of posting activity, mostly out of it. I don't have any problem with that except that I feel a blog is pointless if you don't post. My posts haven't been fantastic. They haven't been inspiring. What they have been is expressions of the imaginations and experiences of a young girl. As I have gotten older I have looked back on this blog, sometimes in embarrassment, and contemplated what it's real purpose is. After all, there has never been more than ten people who knew it existed, and of those ten perhaps two would even remember that I created it (one of them being me!). So why have a blog?

Is it because I hope that my amateur artistic skills will be discovered and appreciated? Not really, no.

Is it to create a portfolio, vision, or identity for myself in my posts? No. Remember how often I have left this blog for years at a time? 

Perhaps it is for personal gain. To be able to say that I'm one of those women who "has a blog" and pretend I post about cute crafts and Pinterest worthy baking, but we both know that doesn't happen.

Maybe it's just an excuse to write and release my thoughts into the universe so they are no longer in my head (if I were more of a writer this point would be much more applicable). 

Now, as I look back at the innocence and simplicity displayed here, I think this blog is really just for me. A way to look back on my life and remember. To giggle at my silliness and the things that made me excited when I was young and even those ahead of me. They are all a part of me. There are many more pieces to my life and who I've become, but that doesn't make the bits that are demonstrated any less significant. I can look back and see where I've come from, how I've changed in my views and plans for life. 

When I was very young I aspired to be a professional ballerina! Then an artist/illustrator for a few short years, an archaeologist, a biochemist, a medical lab scientist, a nurse, a preschool teacher, and now a public health educator. Now, I recognize that this blog does not reflect all those changes of mind and plan, but it's a happy piece of my life. As I continue to grow and change, and even post now and again, it will still be interesting to me (as the primary viewer of this blog) to remember where I've come from. In the end I am just another blogger in the vastness of the internet, but I am me, and that's good enough. I am not the same as anyone else, and my blog doesn't have to be that either.

All in all, what is to be expected from this blog? Mostly likely random splurges of opinion and experience similar to this post. But who knows, maybe I will be a little more reliable about posting this year because I am planning a wedding! We'll just have to wait and see. 

Until next time!